Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April Fun!

     We had a great first week back after our much needed spring break!  We read one of my all time favorite books this week.  It is called We're Going on a Bear Hunt.  I remember reading this story when I was in second grade and I always loved it!  I just knew that the class would love this story as well.  We read the story, listened to the author read the story on You Tube, and we also retold the story as a class using picture cards.  The best thing about this story is that the whole class gets to participate when we are reading it aloud.  It was so much fun! 


     Then we read a story called We're Going on a Lion Hunt next.  We made text to text connections while we were reading.  We realized what things were the same and what things were different about the stories.

     During center time this week we worked very hard.  We listened to We're Going on a Bear Hunt and we wrote and drew about our favorite part.  In the Word Work center, we put our star words in ABC order.  Then we did a star word sentence activity using dry erase markers.  Everyone LOVES dry erase markers!  In the Creation Center, we made a flower pot of flowers for spring.  In the Writing center, we had to write two sentences about things we like to do in the spring.  In the Phonics center, we did a vowel activity.  We had to look at the pictures on the card and figure out what vowel sound was in the middle.  Then we had to write the word.  In the Poetry center, we read and put together our spring poem.  In Read and Write Around the Room we found words that began with the letters of the word SPRINGTIME.  In the Reading center, we read our books in our bags.  At that time, Mrs. Aiello likes to come and read one on one with all of the kids. 

     In Math this week, we focused on subtraction.  We did subtraction stories and had to draw and write the subtraction sentence.  Then we focused on how to figure out when you need to add and when you need to subtract.  We did this activity on our white boards.  I gave out a story problem, then the class had to draw it and figure out whether we are supposed to subtract or add.  Then this week we learned about figuring out how many tens and ones are in a number.  We also did really well with this skill!

     Mrs. Grasso gave us an awesome butterfly garden and really cool caterpillars.  We are going to watch them grow and then release them when they turn into butterflies!  Everyone was so excited about that.

     On Friday this week, we had a little celebration for our friend Blaise who is moving.  We gave him a puppy, just like our friend Buddy that goes home with our star of the week.  We are going to miss him so much, but we know you are going to love your new school and meet lots of new friends!  Good Luck and we will all miss you! 

Here are some pictures from the week!

Flower Pot Craft

We're Going on a Bear Hunt Listening Center

Spring Fun Writing Center

Spring Poetry Center

Star Word ABC order (Word Work Center)

Phonics Center

Learning About tens and ones in Math

Some of our friends reading in the Reading Center- They are reading from their own personal bag of books!

Subtraction Stamp Book for Math

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