Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

      Last week we learned so much about apples!  We learned about the apple life cycle and what an apple tree looks like in the winter, spring, summer, and fall.  We tasted apples and made a graph of which apple color was our favorite.  We learned about Johnny Appleseed who used to give apple seeds to people he met.  We made an apple craft too.  We learned a great deal about apples and here are some pictures of our activities.

Working in the Creation Center on our apple craft

Our apple chart that we made together as a class

Our apple tasting graph

MMM!  Apple tasting!

The apple diagram we did together as a class.  We were learning about how to label.

Apple Core Craft

Writing Center Activity- The pages will be put together in a class book.

Poetry Center- This is a poetry journal that they work on in the center.

Our apple poem from our poetry center
Apple Life Cycle
     We worked on so much last week during our literacy time!  We were also very busy with Math.  We are learning about sorting by color, shape, and size.  We have been practicing using various manipulatives in the classroom, such as buttons, animal counters, vehicle counters, and shapes.  You can help your child learn to sort at home.  Have them sort food, clothing, or various household items you might have.  It is interesting to see how they might sort objects differently from how you sort objects.  We are having a blast in Kindergarten!

1 comment:

  1. Love how you keep the parents in the loop about what is going on! Thank you!!
